Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sweet corn is one of those wonderful treats you really only get during the summer. Sure, you can buy a can or frozen bag from the store, but it's just not the same. Fresh-picked, homegrown sweet corn is the absolute best you'll ever get. It's wonderfully sweet and creamy slathered in a bit of butter. And there's something satisfying about shucking your own corn, as long as you can get all those stringy bits of silk off. Otherwise it ends up in your teeth and you get to pick it out for the next three hours.

If there's a corn stand near where you live, do not pass up the chance to stop by and help out your local farmer. They'll appreciate it, and you'll have a delicious accompaniment to almost any lunch or dinner.

Never boiled ears of corn before? It's easy. Shuck them and pick off as much of the silk as you can. Don't go insane trying to get it all off. It won't hurt you if you eat it. Bring a large pot of water (about half-full) to a boil. Drop in the ears of corn and let them boil for about five minutes. Turn off the water and let it sit for another few minutes. Using tongs, remove the ears and place them on a plate. I like to get out a stick of butter, roll the corn over it, and eat it straight from the cob. My mom prefers to cut the corn off the ear before eating it. Our dogs just like it raw. Experiment and find your preferred method!

Image courtesy of Stoonn/

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